
New Issue coming soon!

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

4th Issue


abbeydawn122 said...

Love it! The interview had to be my favourite part. Can't wait to see more xx

miley4live96 said...
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miley4live96 said...

Rafi, it's just Perfect :) I love how you did the the hair for the first graphic :D it looks way better than the hair I did ;) And your own graphic is beautiful and it looks really good ♥ Love the interview ,too. I know I could write this in German as well ,but I wanted some English people to read it,too. So "Well done // Gut gemacht !" ;)

Rafi101 said...

@Marie: Thanx

Lollara123 said...

Wow! Thanks for putting my advert in! This is awesome! Your graphics are amazing Rafael! I can't wait for the end of this one and your next issue!! :))

♥Rosie♥ said...

Remember how I wanted to be a partner of your other blog? I only just remembered about that! Is it OK if I show a spoiler of these on my blog ( Thanks in advance.

Amy-j-Winehouse/Lucia said...

wow, looks good, thanks for choosing me as a model, im sorry, im not really that active anymore